Korean College of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research

Today 2025.03.12 D-DAY -2196


How to Register

  >  Registration  >  How to Register
Participants are advised to register by February 24, 2019 to take advantage of the reduced registration fees.

Registration Fees

Category Pre-registration
(By February 24, 2019)
On-site Registration
(From February 25, 2019)
Physicians Members (KCHUGR) KRW 80,000 KRW 90,000
Non-members (KCHUGR) KRW 90,000 KRW 100,000
Overseas Participants USD 80 USD 90
Trainees/ Fellows/ Nurses KRW 20,000/USD 20 KRW 30,000/USD 30
Students Free of Charge

- The above registration fees include:

  • Admission to all sessions: Scientific Sessions, Exhibition, and Welcome Reception
  • Conference Materials (Name Tag, Proceedings, etc)
  • Coffee Breaks and Lunches

Methods of Payment

Full payment in US dollar or KRW must be paid by the deadlines. Confirmation letter will be issued upon the clearance of payment.

Category Payment Methods
Online Registration Bank Transfer, Credit Card
On-site Registration Credit Card, Cash
Credit Card
  • Visa, Master, Amex and JCB cards are acceptable.
  • For those who would like to pay via a credit card, the internet explore browser 8.0 or up to date operating system is in need and install active x for the process.
  • Visa, Master cards support 3D secure. Card issuer has to support 3D secure protocol and enroll your credit card on your participating card issuer’s website.
Bank Transfer
  • A direct bank transfer should be made to the account below. A copy of the receipt of the bank remittance should be sent to the secretariat. Bank charges for remittance should be paid by registrants. Please note that the fees has to be transferred under the registrant’s name and the name must be stated on the receipt.

International Participants

Beneficiary The Korean College of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research Swift Code KOEXKRSE or KOEXKRSEXXX
Bank Name KEB Hana Bank Branch Gangnam PB Center
Account No 908-910003-64104 Bank Address 061-69 K-Tower 15F, 513, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea

Domestic Participants

은행명 KEB하나은행
계좌명 대한상부위장관,헬리코박터학회
계좌번호 908-910003-64104

Cancellation Policy

Any cancellation of registration should be notified in writing to the secretariat by email at helicobacter@conventionpm.com or
by fax at +82-2269-4380. All refunds will be processed after the symposium. Please refer to the following deadlines for cancellation.

Date Amount to be refunded
By February 24, 2019 50% Refund (Processing fee will be deducted.)
From February 25, 2019 No Refund
  • All bank charges for remittance must be paid by the registrants.
  • Refunds will be made after the symposium.

평점 안내

대한의사협회 내과전문의 평생교육 내과분과 전공의 스티커
8일(금) 4 4 2 2
9일(토) 6 6

대한의사협회/ 내과전문의 평생교육

대한의사협회 연수교육 지침에 따라 바코드 스캔 기록을 바탕으로 아래와 같이 부분 점수가 인정됨을 안내드립니다.
(당일 평점카드를 수령하시더라도 체류시간에 따라 점수가 계산됩니다. 대한의사협회/ 내과전문의 평생교육 모두 동일하게 부분평점으로 인정되어 자동으로 보고되오니, 이점 유의하시기 바랍니다.)

2회 이상 출석 확인 시 인정(부분평점)
2시간 초과 - 3시간 이하 3평점
3시간 초과 - 4시간 이하 4평점
4시간 초과 - 5시간 이하 5평점
5시간 초과 6평점

예) 강의실 출입 처음, 마지막 기록이 09:30 / 14:00인 경우 4시간 30분으로 대한의사협회/ 내과전문의 평생교육 5평점으로 인정

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