Korean College of Helicobacter and Upper Gastrointestinal Research

Today 2025.03.12 D-DAY -2196

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Total 13

No Subject Files Writer Hits Date
13 Poster Presentation (Display only) List Sohee LEE 2987 2019-02-25
12 [Newsletter 10] Pre-registration Deadline D-4 Admin 1 2295 2019-02-20
11 [Newsletter 9] Pre-registration deadline has been extended to February 24. Admin 1 2125 2019-02-15
10 [Newsletter 8] 사전등록 마감 D-2 Admin 1 2850 2019-02-13
9 [Newsletter 7] Pre-registration Deadline is February 15, 2019. Admin 1 2391 2019-02-01
8 [Newsletter 6] Abstract Submission Deadline is D-3. Admin 1 1236 2019-01-25
7 [Newsletter 5] The deadline for the abstract submission has been extended to January 28, 2019. Admin 1 958 2019-01-21
6 Online registration is now available. Sohee LEE 697 2019-01-15
5 [Newsletter 4] Abstract Submission Deadline is D-6. Admin 1 736 2019-01-15
4 [Newsletter 3] 초록 접수 중_1월 21일(월)까지 Admin 1 1064 2019-01-04
1 2